Take Control of Your Future. Reach New Heights.

Below you’ll find more information on key legal services, free resources, and one-on-one coaching. Each service I offer is designed to help you take control of your future and experience greater peace of mind.

Legal Services: For Families

I can help you through the stages of life by providing you with access to a top-rated law firm in your community for a small monthly subscription. You will have guidance in all areas of law, empowering you to better understand your rights.

Legal Services: For Small Business Owners

As a small business owner, I know first-hand the headaches that legal issues can cause. With an affordable monthly subscription, you gain access to a team of legal experts that can help with all your legal needs. Plus, I’ll be there every step of the way to help in any way I can.

Free Resources

  • Professional working with a client

    Will Workshops

    After this free 30-minute workshop, you will have a completed questionnaire to take to an attorney to have a will created within 10 days. It's simple. It's easy. It's peace of mind.

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    CyberReadiness Training

    Protect your business against cyberattacks – affordably. I take the mystery and tech talk out of Cyber Security so you can easily learn the 4 steps to immediately protect your business from Cyber Attacks.

  • Entrepreneurial woman

    Ladies of Justice

    Ladies of Justice Ambassadors are women who help empower other women. Women who own a business or who want to start a business. This includes suddenly Single Moms who are ready to start a new chapter in life. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with me today.

  • Woman working on laptop computer

    Weekly Newsletter

    When you subscribe to my emails, you’ll receive one actionable tip each week to help you conquer common legal and financial challenges and live your best life. It’s completely free and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Customized One on One Coaching.

If you’re seeking to improve your sales skills, become a better network marketer, or overcome obstacles in your personal life, click below and schedule a coaching call with me.